Allow me to introduce myself
I am so glad that you are here! I know that if you’ve landed on this site that you ….
Have a deep desire to create an outcome with your partners that will allow you to connect
on an ever-expanding level. -
Want to thrive inside and outside of your relationships.
Are curious about new, practical ways of showing up for yourself and others.
Have made a conscious decision to make sure that your partner (now or in the future!)
feels loved and wanted every day.
And…I know how amazing you are.

I know what it feels like
to be curious about
a new way of doing things…
Being a child witnessing divorce made me wonder about different ways of relating.
As a young adult, I betrayed myself, gaslit myself, and talked myself into staying in relationships that caused me and my partner immense amounts of pain instead of joy.
This caused me to figure out ways to get out of the cycle of unhealthy patterns and second-guessing myself. To being out of touch with myself and without a roadmap to connections that would ignite a spark in me each day.
That process led to a deep knowing that partnership is something I truly desire. My journey to learn everything I could about relationships, sexual union, generational trauma, communication, and developing intimacy had begun.
And it led me to you!

I am passionate about the idea that…
Despite what some believe and say; relationships don’t have to be hard. They can be expansive, empowering, and liberating…with a bit of self-reflection and a toolkit full of sharp instruments.
The result is love that encourages us to be the fullest expression of self.
I have found exhilaration and even a sense of adventure in my relationships since beginning my journey. I want to guide you to your own version of this joy.